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Selecting High-Performance Polymers to Reduce Mean Time Between Repair (MTBR) and Minimize Failures

Symmtek specializes in providing high-performance polymers that are engineered and optimized for your unique commercial application. Our engineering plastics are custom-developed to exhibit superior material properties for whatever harsh conditions your application demands. Thus, our advanced material solutions can reduce the mean time between repair (MTBR) of your equipment, simultaneously extending the mean time to […]

4 Benefits of Choosing High-Temperature Thermoplastics as Metal Replacements

High-temperature thermoplastic materials are a suitable replacement for metal parts in many specialized manufacturing applications. An example includes our Symmtamide T-230 – a high-performance Poly-Amide-Imide (PAI) compound, 30% glass fiber reinforced to surpass the durability of many metals. These engineering polymers have been meticulously developed and refined to exhibit the high strength and reliability of […]

What Are the Advantages of Mica-Filled PTFE vs. Aluminum in Turbocompressor Seals?

Turbocompressor seals are a high-heat, high-wear application that demands an optimized PTFE solution. For that reason, filler materials are added to enhance PTFE’s mechanical properties. The addition of PTFE fillers such as synthetic Mica enables manufacturers like Symmtek to engineer specific physical, mechanical and thermal properties within the resulting fluorocomposite. As an example, we can […]

5 Advantages of PAI Compression Molded Advanced Polymer

Polyamide-imide (PAI), as manufactured by Symmtek Polymers is a High-Performance Engineering Thermoplastic Molded Through Compression Molding. Polyamide-imide (PAI) is a specialized engineering polymer that offers exceptional strength and stability in extreme high-temperature environments. At lower temperatures, PAI still offers outstanding durability, impact resistance and chemical resistance, making it one of the more versatile high-performance polymer […]

6 Advantages of PPS Compression Molded Materials

Symmtek provides a complete range of high-performance engineering polymers and thermoplastics including PPS compression molded materials, and shapes. Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) is an excellent crystalline resin preferred in a diverse range of commercial and industrial applications for its outstanding resistance to heat, chemicals, solvents, and high tensile strength. Learn more about the material advantages and […]

The Best Engineering Plastics for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

Symmtek is one of the nation’s leading providers of premium high-temperature plastics that are uniquely developed for semiconductor manufacturing applications. Our Semikon line of engineered polymer products includes a complete range of electrostatic dissipative(ESD), conductive, & Anti-Static compression molded polymers. These custom polymers are designed and refined from the ground up to accommodate static management […]

Engineering Thermoplastics 101: PEEK vs PEK vs PTFE

As one of the nation’s premier providers of quality-engineered thermoplastic solutions, Symmtek offers the industry insight to help you better understand the world of engineering plastics. To that end, here is an overview of three common high-temperature thermoplastic materials: PEEK, PEK and PTFE. PEEK and PTFE – What Do All the Acronyms Mean? PEEK – […]


Welcome to Symmtek Polymers new website! Symmtek Polymers LLC is a division of KT Plastics, Inc. of Calera, OK. Our team of experts has over 100+ years of practical experience in advanced polymer product design, processing, and business development. We can offer our clients uniquely molded and machined polymer products to solve the most challenging […]